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Blockchain, IoT, or the Cloud…

Join us to get IT done!

From the analysis stage to architecture, implementation, and product launch, our track record of successfully delivering digital products speaks for itself.

Our team of experts will help you to consult your strategy for scaling up your projects. We provide technical expertise, too.

On top of that, our PM and Agile specialists are available to drive or support your Agile transformation.

We can find the best candidates and take them through our rigorous screening processes, including technical interviews.

We are proud of our hybrid model, which consists of our internal candidates' database but is always open for new collaboration and active market screening.

Our approach helps us to achieve the best results, proposing motivated and capable candidates for your team.

If you want to scale up your project quickly, but missing some resources, we've got you covered! defdone is ready to embed experts and seasoned professionals directly into your team. We know how to work in Agile but also Waterfall models.

Whether we discuss startups or mature projects, there is always room for improvement. In fast-paced environments, we aim at optimal resource utilization. With our team augmentation model, you can increase the project's throughput and quality by injecting top domain-level experts.

We are on a mission to guide your digital transformation efforts providing end-to-end complex solutions to drive organizational growth and success.

defdone’s team can make it happen with our highly qualified Project Managers on board who will listen to your needs and work collaboratively to determine the best strategies for your business.

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Are you looking for a team to work on your project? Let us introduce, who is entirely focused on software engineering with our strong support on the team building side. websitearrow icon
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